Wednesday, September 27, 2006

PEAR Installation on PHP 5

this person has a nice article regarding PEAR installation.


i haven't been able to run PEAR on my laptop running PHP5 since i had no idea how to configure and install these things using commands. if you scroll down there is one script you can download

1. Go-Pear (option click or alt click to download)

2. just rename this to go-pear.php, goto the dirctory that's in using terminal and run a command.
(you probably will need to setup a root user password for this command..)

sudo php go-pear.php

3. enter your password and installation will start.

4. it will ask you number of questions but just keep pressing enter if you are not sure what you are dealing with.

thanks to him PEAR is running fine on my testing computer. which i program most of stuff in..
he saved my day.

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