Thursday, November 16, 2006

Apple Battery

i just noticed that the battery for my Mac Book Pro is swelling...

it's a small swell but funny things are

  • on battery my MacBook Pro only runs for about 20 minutes

  • when you take out the battery and press the button to check the remaining power in the battery it's max... all green lights come on

  • Computer shuts down without any warning whatsoever...

i've explained this issue to apple so they are sending me a new battery. that's great but... it sucks that i had to do this..

sleep issue is i guess sovled with the newest firmware update...

so i guess only thing that bugs me about MacBook Pro now is the lack of ability to power firewire bus-powered devices...
i just can't go mobile now... and it's been inconvenient. i hope they fix that somehow..

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